Subject areas of cervical cancer research.
Socioeconomic analyses.
Ranking of the number of articles per Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) of publishing countries with at least 30 articles (threshold).
Comparison of country specific research activities between ovarian cancer research (1900–2014) and cervical cancer research (1900–2015).
Effects of the amyloid precursor protein Glu693-->Gln 'Dutch' mutation on the production and stability of amyloid beta-protein.
Study on safety of non-embedded software: Service, data access, and legal issues of advanced robots, autonomous, connected, and AI-based vehicles and systems : final study report r...
World Conference on sanctions against racist South Africa, UNESCO House, Paris, 16-20 June 1986 : background material, speeches & research reports ; Background material, speech...
Decline of depressive symptoms in Europe: differential trends across the lifespan
Supplemental instruction II. Student learning processes
Commission on Gender Equality : Memo: From Mmathari Mashao to Ms. Chana Majake (CEO) – Subject “Sexual offences issue paper – Adult prostitution” ; Sexual Offences Issue paper - Ad...