Immunoreactivity to metal and silica associates with sarcoidosis in Dutch patients
Validation of the Greenhouse Gas Balance of the Netherlands. Observational constraints on CO2, CH4 and N2O from atmospheric monitoring station Lutjewad.
PAN-00109900 - military button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
PAN-00102585 - military button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
PAN-00109899 - military button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
PAN-00108821 - military uniform button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
PAN-00106844 - military uniform button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
PAN-00108822 - military uniform button, non-Dutch, post-Napoleonic
Late Cretaceous to Miocene foraminifer Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Al/Ca records from ODP Leg 174AX, Bass River site, New Jersey Shelf, North Atlantic ...
Micro-X-ray fluorescence elemental data of the shell of A. benedeni benedeni specimens SG-125, SG-126, and SG-127