Descent from the Cross: Detail of Virgin's robes
Descent from the Cross: Detail of Christ's head
Descent from the Cross: Detail, face of Nicodemus
Descent from the Cross: Detail, face of the woman drying her tears
Altarpiece wing with The Visitation and other scenes: Infrared reflectogram, detail
Miraflores Altarpiece: Right panel: Resurrected Christ Appearing to His Mother, detail
Former Drapers' Altarpiece: Interior with shutters open, Adoration of the Magi (left) and Birth of Christ (right)
Former Drapers' Altarpiece: Exterior with shutters closed, the Annunciation
Adoration of the Lamb, Ghent Altarpiece (open); ; Adoration of the Lamb, Altarpiece of the Lamb (open);
Annunciate Gabriel, Ghent Altarpiece (closed); ; Annunciate Gabriel, Altarpiece of the Lamb (closed);