Directed Technical Change and Climate Policy
Hugo Schuchardt an Matthias de Vries (04-3)
Intersectoral action to enhance the social inclusion of socially vulnerable youth through sport: an exploration of the elements of successful partnerships between youth work organi...
Molecular characterization of avian metapneumovirus subtype C detected in wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in The Netherlands
Nutritional status and prey energy density govern reproductive success in a small cetacean
Rosa Luxemburg: Living and Thinking the Revolution
Liberal feminism and postcolonial difference: Debating headscarves in France, the Netherlands, and Germany
Low-Skilled Unemployment, Biased Technological Shocks and Job Competition
Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicæ, Præcipue Romanæ, Figuris illustratæ: Tribus Voll. comprehensæ ; Quorum I. De Belgio Britannico, II. De Geta Britannico, III. De Julii Vitalis Epitaph...
Johannes Brill an Hugo Schuchardt (01-01374)