Nickel stocks and fluxes in a tropical agromining ‘metal crop’ farming system in Sabah (Malaysia)
The milk market and its original organisational features ; Le marché laitier et les caractères originaux de son organisation.
Improvement of the competitiveness of the sugar beet crop in the Netherlands ; Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Rübenanbaus in den Niederlanden
Bridging the potato variety gap: a review of the Kenya - The Netherlands potato project (2012–2015): its success, challenges and opportunities ... : سد فجوة تنوع البطاطس: استعراض ل...
Growing stock-based assessment of the carbon stock in the Belgian forest biomass
Influence of the proximity of American foulbrood cases and apicultural management on the prevalence of Paenibacillus larvae spores in Belgian honey
Mites from debris and sealed brood cells of Apis dorsata colonies in Sabah (Borneo) Malaysia, including a new haplotype of Varroa jacobsoni
Independent Smallholders' Perceptions towards MSPO Certification in Sabah, Malaysia ... : تصورات أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة المستقلين تجاه شهادة MSPO في صباح، ماليزيا ......
Extension Agents and Sustainable Cocoa Farming: A Case Study of Extension Agents in Sabah State, Malaysia ... : عوامل الإرشاد وزراعة الكاكاو المستدامة: دراسة حالة لوكلاء الإرشاد في...
Branch-stem relationship steadiness in high-grown Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). ; Stabilité des relations branche-tige chez l’épicéa commun en régime de futaie régulière...