Etude comparative du développement des compétences métaphonologiques et orthographiques d'enfants bilingues scolarisés en langue seconde
Data_Sheet_1_PCR standard curve quantification in an extensive wastewater surveillance program: results from the Dutch SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance.docx
Image_1_Prevalence and characteristics of registered falls in a Belgian University Psychiatric Hospital.pdf
Table_1_Prevalence and characteristics of registered falls in a Belgian University Psychiatric Hospital.docx
Data_Sheet_1_Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Senti...
Data_Sheet_2_Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Senti...
Data_Sheet_3_Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Senti...
Data_Sheet_4_Bigger and Better? Representativeness of the Influenza A Surveillance Using One Consolidated Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Set as Compared to the Belgian Senti...
Le Massif du Taburno-Camposauro, une montagne calcaire en position de charnière à l'échelle de l'Apennin méridional (Italie du Sud)
Barrages de tufs calcaires et cascades dans le Centre-Var : rapport avec les eaux des sources karstiques, historique et déclin actuel