Studie densiteitsstromingen in het kader van LTV: stroom- en saliniteitsmeting te Oosterweel uitgevoerd op 05/06/2002
Studie densiteitsstromingen in het kader van LTV: stroom- en saliniteitsmeting te Oosterweel uitgevoerd op 12/06/2002
Intensification strength in speech: Language-specificpreferences and differences between first and additionallanguage
Desenvolvimento da consciência metalinguística na aquisição bilingue de Português Europeu e Neerlandês
Prins of boswachter? Interpretatie van subjectanaforen in het nederlands als tweede taal
Spinoffs and M&A as drivers of spatial clustering: The evolution of the Dutch banking sector in the Amsterdam region in the period 1850-1993
Norms of valence and arousal for 14,031 Spanish words
「発音と話し方」デジタルポートフォリオの紹介 : ベルギーのオランダ語圏の大学での実践報告
Formal versus informal L2 learning : how do individual differences and word-related variables influence french and English L2 vocabulary learning in Dutch-speaking children?
Dutch compound constructions in additional language acquisition: A diasystematic-constructionist approach