Reflexion der sozialen medien auf jugendliteratur im rahmen der Deutschen literatur ; Alman edebiyatı çerçevesinde sosyal medyanın gençlik edebiyatına yansıması
Grundlagen der psychosozialen Diagnostik in der niederländischen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Entwicklungen und Aufgaben ; Basics of the psychosocial diagnostic in child- and youth car...
An Analysis of NEETs Situation in UE-28 Countries and the Example of Netherlands ; Analiza sytuacji młodzieży NEET w krajach UE-28 na przykładzie Holandii
Digital multiculturalism in the Netherlands: Religious, ethnic, and gender positioning by Moroccan-Dutch youth
Attitudes toward integrative paediatrics: a national survey among youth health are physicians in the Netherlands
Data underlying the publication: 'Een instrument om interdisciplinaire samenwerking te onderzoeken binnen de Nederlandse zorg voor jeugd'
‘We’d like to eat bread too, not grass’ : exploring the structural approaches of community sport practitioners in Flanders = ‘Wij eten ook brood, geen gras’ : op zoek naar het stru...
Dutch youth’s smoking behaviour during a partial covid-19 lockdown
Work and unemployment – techniques of involving young people in the work process according to two successful and one unsuccessful model ; Работата и невработеноста - техники на вкл...
Youth unemployment in Belgium: diagnosis and key remedies