Thesaurus chirurgiae : the chirurgical and anatomical works of Paul Barbette . composed according to the doctrine of the circulation of the blood, and other new inventions of the m...
Drinke and vvelcome: or The famous historie of the most part of drinks, in use now in the kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland with an especiall declaration of the potency, ver...
A booke of the arte and maner, howe to plant and graffe all sortes of trees howe to set stones, and sowe pepines to make wylde trees to graffe on, as also remedies and mediicnes [s...
A disputation against the adoration of the reliques of saints departed Wherein nine palpable abuses are discouvered, committed by the popish Priests in the veneration thereof. Toge...
Pampiere wereld, ofte, Wereldsche oeffeninge : waer in begrepen zijn meest alle de rijmen, en werken van I.H. Krul ; Wereldsche oeffeninge; Minnelyke Zang-Rymen
A treatise of Gods effectual calling: written first in the Latine tongue, by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ, Maister Robert Rollock, preacher of Gods word in Edenburg...
The hauen-finding art, or The vvay to find any hauen or place at sea, by the latitude and variation. Lately published in the Dutch, French, and Latine tongues, by commandement of t...
A short account, of the nature and use of maps as also some short discourses of the properties of the earth, and of the several inhabitants thereof : to which is subjoin'd, A catal...
A hundred and fouretene experiments and cures of the famous physitian Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus; translated out of the Germane tongue into the Latin. Whereunto is...
An ephemeris for the yeer 1651 amplified with rational predictions from the book of the creatures. 1. Of the state of the yeer. 2. What may probably be the effects of the conjuncti...