Enlistment Card for William H Holland, 15th NY National Guard in 1938
Enlistment Card for William Holland Johnson, 15th NY National Guard in 1940
Inauguration du diplodocus, Fallières, Boule, Holland [le 15 juin 1908] : [photographie de presse] / [Agence Rol]
Fields of Waterloo ; The Mantle So Green; Lovely Nancy; Mantle of Green ; As I went walking one evening in June To view the fair fields and the meadows so green
Divine and politike observations nevvly translated out of the Dutch language, vvherein they vvere lately divulged. Upon some lines in the speech of the Arch. B. of Canterbury, pron...
The history of Pennsylvania, in North America, from the original institution and settlement of that province, under the first proprietor and governor William Penn, in 1681, till af...
De Prins en Johan de Witt of ons land in het tweede tijdperk der eerste stadhouderlooze regeering
A late voyage to Holland, with brief relations of the transactions at the Hague, also remarks on the manners and customs, nature, and commical humours of the people; their religion...
Whitehall, June 7. 1697. The mail from Holland of Friday last arrived this afternoon; tho' that of Tuesday the first of this month is not yet come in.