Les religions abrahamites dans le discours du Front National dans le contexte d'extrêmes droites populistes européennes
Holland's own Kennedy Affair: conspiracy theories on the murder of Pim Fortuyn
The communist menace in Finsterwolde: conspiring against local authorities? A case study an the Dutch battle against communism, 1945-1951
Cross Road Elections: Change in EU Performance Evaluations during the European Parliament Elections 2014
Responding to the Dutch asylum crisis: implications for collaborative work between civil society and governmental organizations
Eroding rights, crafting solidarity?: shifting dynamics in the state-civil society nexus in Flanders and Brussels
Die Kunst des Seiltanzes: François Hollande erprobt einen neuen Regierungsstil in Frankreich
Gewerkschaftliche Repräsentativität in pluralistischen Systemen: Belgien und Frankreich
The Impact of the Explosion of EU News on Voter Choice in the 2014 EU Elections
From Indifference to Entrapment: The Netherlands and the Yugoslav Crisis, 1990-1995