Metropole, Migration, Imagination: Chinesenviertel und chinesische Gastronomie in Westeuropa 1900-1970
Die Nachfrage nach empirischer Forschung im Schnittfeld von Familiensoziologie und Familienrecht: neuere Entwicklungen bei unseren westeuropäischen Nachbarn
A business case for flexible housing: the feasibility of implementing flexibility measures in the housing market
A business case for flexible housing: the feasibility of implementing flexibility measures in the housing market ...
The Attack on Belgium and the Defence of “German Freedom”: German Historians and their Involvement in a War of Culture since August 1914
Zum theoretischen Rahmen für die Analyse internationaler Differenzen in der gesellschaftlichen Integration von Frauen
A methological note on real wages during the inter-war years
Gradmessungs-Nivellement zwischen Swinemünde und Amsterdam
In Search of the Healthy Immigrant Effect in Four West European Countries
Politicizing immigration in Western Europe