Descriptive characteristics per group at baseline (Mean ± SD or Median [IQR], except for sex).
Pain intensity and analgesic use per group and for total sample before the first treatment (T0), after the last treatment (T1) and at follow-up (T2) (Mean ± SD or Median [IQR]).
Secondary outcomes per group and for total sample before the first treatment (T0), after the last treatment (T1) and at follow-up (T2) (Median [IQR]).
Parameter estimates of the fixed effects of the final model predicting pain intensity.
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); sequentially adjusted linear regression coefficien...
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); linear regression coefficients (stdyx-standardized...
Bidirectional associations between educational level and alcohol use in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229); regression coefficients (stdyx-standardized ß-coef...
Attrition analysis–characteristics of young adults remaining in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) at wave 6, compared to participants who had dropped out of...
Characteristics of participants with classifiable educational level compared to those with missing/unclassifiable educational level from wave 2 to wave 6 in the TRAILS Study (the N...
The association between baseline characteristics (wave 1) and alcohol use and educational level from wave 2 to wave 6 in the TRAILS Study (the Netherlands, 2000–2017, N = 2,229) in...