P2-100 The relationship between post traumatic stress disorder and hypertension among 105 180 asylum seekers in the Netherlands
P2-246 The Nightingale Study: a prospective cohort study on shift work and breast cancer among nurses in the Netherlands
P2-514 Physical child maltreatment among asylum seekers in the Netherlands; a nationwide medical records study
P1-19 The development of ethnic-specific food frequency questionnaires (FFQS) to measure diet of non-western migrants in The Netherlands
Verkiezingsaffiches in Nederland ; Election posters in the Netherlands
Anla¨sslich des Konferenzzyklus Soziale Arbeit am Anfang des 3ten Jahrtausends la¨dt die Ligue Luxembourgeoise de Pre´vention et d'Action Me´dico-Sociales ein, zu einer 3ten Konfer...
L'affiche belge : essai critique, biographie des artistes, avec plus de cent reproductions d'affiches et vingt-huit portraits en simili-gravure ; letters ornées et culs de lampe d...
N007 Patient empowerment through increased physical fitness. The Belgian IBD patient support group Mt Ventoux cycling and hiking event
PM registries/PM and electric field interactions: 841 Pacemaker replacements in Belgium: Anno 2002
P1-387 Time series analysis performed on nephropathia epidemica in Belgium