Short communication: Trend analysis suggested a change in subspecies among Mycobacterium avium isolated from pigs in Belgium, 1967-2013
Evaluation génétique et épidémiologique des souches du virus respiratoire syncytial bovin (BRSV) présentes en Wallonie
La France et la Belgique: les principales victimes de la myopathie atypique du cheval au pré: éditorial
Myoglobinurie atypique: une série de cas en Belgique ; Atypical myoglobinuria : an outbreak in Belgium
Low prevalence of the 'gang of seven' and absence of the O80:H2 serotypes among Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (STEC and EPEC) in intestinal contents of healt...
Le point sur la séroprévalence du SDRP en Wallonie ; An update on PRRS seroprevalence in Southern Belgium
Beta-lactamase-encoding gene identification by micro-arrays in phenotypically resistant pathogenic Escherichia coli from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium.
R0 Estimation for the African Swine Fever Epidemics in Wild Boar of Czech Republic and Belgium.
Unravelling the dispersal dynamics and ecological drivers of the African swine fever outbreak in Belgium
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium