The development of locomotor kinetics in the foal and the effect of osteochondrosis
Seasonal variation in prevalence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and other respiratory pathogens in peri-weaned, post-weaned, and fattening pigs with clinical signs of respiratory dise...
Noodzakelijke stappen naar een daling van het antibioticumgebruik op Vlaamse melkveebedrijven - Deel 1 : preventie en selectief droogzetten = Required steps towards antibiotic redu...
Pathogen-specific incidence rate of clinical mastitis in Flemish dairy herds, severity, and association with herd hygiene
Identification of Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli serotypes in healthy young dairy calves in Belgium by recto-anal mucosal swabbing
High occurrence of Anisakidae at retail level in cod (Gadus morhua) belly flaps and the impact of extensive candling
Kosten van veterinaire bedrijfsmonitoring : Kosten en opbrengsten van huidige en toekomstige monitoring op diergezondheid en voedselveiligheid
Evaluation of fluoroquinolone resistance in clinical avian pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates from Flanders (Belgium)
Alleviating lesions of chronic progressive lymphedema in Belgian draft horses by successfully treating Chorioptes bovis infestation with moxidectin 0.5% pour-on
Frequency estimation of disease-causing mutations in the Belgian population of some dog breeds, part 1 : shepherds