Een schatting van de directe kosten veroorzaakt door maagdarmnematoden- en leverbotinfecties bij melkvee in Vlaanderen
Monitoring gastrointestinal nematode and liver fluke infections in Belgium by bulk tank milk ELISA: are we making progress in parasite control?
Gastrointestinal protozoa in non-human primates of four zoological gardens in Belgium
Breed differences in the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin administered subcutaneously to Holstein and Belgian Blue calves
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in different water matrices in Belgium
Evaluatie van twee intensieve behandelingsschema's tegen Psoroptes ovis-schurft bij Belgisch witblauwe runderen op negen Vlaamse rundveebedrijven
First confirmed case of bovine besnoitiosis in an imported bull in Belgium
Fine-scale mapping of vector habitats using very high resolution satellite imagery : a liver fluke case-study
Longitudinal study on the temporal and micro-spatial distribution of Galba truncatula in four farms in Belgium as a base for small-scale risk mapping of Fasciola hepatica
Modelling the spatial distribution of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cattle in Europe