Arts Journalism and its Packaging in France, Germany, The Netherlands and The United States, 1955–2005
Informatie uitwisseling in het huidige Nederlandse en Vlaamse literaire veld
Cultural globalization and arts journalism: The international orientation of arts and culture coverage in Dutch, French, German, and U.S. newspapers, 1955 to 2005
'Contraflows' in de literaire journalistiek? Een vergelijkende analyse van de aandacht voor niet-westerse schrijvers uit binnen- en buitenland in Amerikaanse, Duitse, Franse en Ned...
Assimilatie in de literaire mainstream? Etnische grenzen in dagbladrecensies van etnische minderheidsauteurs in de Verenigde Staten, Nederland en Duitsland
Globalization and ethnic diversity in Western newspaper coverage of literary authors: Comparing developments in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States, 1955 to 200...
Assimilation into the literary mainstream? The classification of ethnic minority authors in newspaper reviews in the United States, the Netherlands and Germany
Change and continuity in newspaper coverage of popular music since 1955: Evidence from the United States, France, Germany, and the Netherlands