Towards a Refinement of the Absolute (Typo)Chronology for the Early Mesolithic in the Coversand Area of Northern Belgium and The Southern Netherlands
Can calcined bones be used to date Final Palaeolithic and Mesolithic open-air sites? A case-study from the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium)
14C and Archaeology: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium, 8-12 April 2013, Ghent, Belgium
Influence from the 'groupe Rhin-Suisse-France orientale' on the pottery from the Late Bronze Age urnfields in Western Belgium. A confrontation between pottery building technology,...
Het urnengrafveld van Meerhout-Zittaart: een frisse kijk op oude gegevens leidt tot nieuwe inzichten (prov. Antwerpen, België)
A Mesolithic bone tool from the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)
Les débuts du Bronze final en Belgique et dans le Sud des Pays-Bas : ruptures et continuités
A Merovingian Surprise: Early Medieval Radiocarbon Dates on Cremated Bone (Borsbeek, Belgium)
14C-dating of wooden buildings in Belgium. A problem of reliability?
Een waterkuil of –put van de Michelsbergcultuur te Menen (West-Vlaanderen, België)