Book of Abstracts. 2nd Deep-Water Circulation Congress: The Contourite Log-book. Ghent, Belgium, 10-12 September 2014
Evaluation of the sand extraction impact on the seabed and the water column at short time and space scale in an intensively dredged area of the Belgian part of the North Sea by usi...
Extreme values of Suspended Particulate Matter concentration and their relation to wave systems along the Belgian inner shelf
Extreme values of suspended particulate matter concentration and their relation to swell and wind sea in the Belgian coastal zone
Monitoring van het onderwatergeluid op de Thorntonbank: referentietoestand van het jaar nul. Eindrapport
Colloquium 'Kustzonebeheer vanuit geo-ecologische en economische invalshoek', 16-17 mei 2002, Oostende