If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again. A message for Public Health Research in Belgium
Belgian health-related data in three international databases
Dementia-free life expectancy in Belgium
Effects of closure of secondary basins on depths of estuaries: insights from an observational and modeling study of the Western Scheldt estuary [POSTER]
Quelques arpenteurs hollandais de la fin du XVIme et du commencement du XVIIme siècle et leurs instruments / par G. A. Vorsterman Van Oijen
Perinatal epidemiology in Belgium
Determinants of folate status in pregnant women: results from a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium
Sedimentatieproblematiek Steenplein: deelrapport 1. Factual data-rapport staalname
Eating out of home in Belgium: current situation and policy implications