Improving laboratory diagnostic capacity of epizootic diseases in Belgium ; Amélioration des capacités de diagnostic en laboratoire de maladies épizootiques en Belgique
Improving laboratory diagnostic efficiency of epizootic diseases in Belgium
Radioscopy laboratory diagnostic of epizootic diseases in Belgium and European countries
A Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Model to Investigate the Effect of Cattle Movements on the Spread of Bluetongue BTV-8 in Belgium
A dynamic spatio-temporal model to investigate the effect of cattle movements on the spread of Bluetongue BTV-8 in Belgium
Distribution of Schmallenberg virus and seroprevalence in Belgian sheep and goats
Methodology for the evaluation of the quality of data in a Belgian risk assessment for Salmonella in pigs
Bluetongue surveillance in Belgium: A stochastic evaluation of its risk-based approach effectiveness ; Evaluation of the different surveillance components in Belgium 2 according EC...
Prioritization of livestock transboundary diseases in Belgium using a multi-criteria decision analysis tool based on drivers of emergence.
Effectiveness and cost-benefit study to encourage herd owners in sharing costs for vaccination programme against bluetongue serotype-8 in Belgium