Epidemiology of influenza over a ten-year period in Belgium : overview of the historical and current evidence
Sexual experience and HIV-related knowledge among Belgian university students: a questionnaire study
Adults with acute poisoning admitted to a university hospital in Belgium in 2017: cost analysis benchmarked with national data ...
Assessment of the Belgian Poison Centre and its impact on healthcare expenses
The impact of www.poisoncentre.be and social media on the number and characteristics of calls to the Belgian Poison Centre
Acute poisonings admitted to a university hospital in Belgium : characteristics and impact on the costs
Belgian Poison Centre impact on healthcare expenses of unintentional poisonings : a cost-benefit analysis
Characteristics and costs in adults with acute poisoning admitted to the emergency department of a university hospital in Belgium
Availability of antidotes in Belgian hospitals : is there still room for improvement?
Qualitative research on the Belgian Cancer Rehabilitation Evaluation System (CARES): An evaluation of the content validity and feasibility