Controls on late-Holocene drift-sand dynamics : The dominant role of human pressure in the Netherlands
A multi-staged drift sand geo-archive from the Netherlands : New evidence for the impact of prehistoric land use on the geomorphic stability, soils, and vegetation of aeolian sand...
El impacto del elefante africano (Loxodonta africana Blumenbach) sobre la vegetación leñosa en las sabanas boscosas mixtas del Kalahari
Pasture Activities, Biodiversity and Pasture Vegetation in the Western Area of Burkina Faso ; Actividades de pastoreo, biodiversidad y vegetación pastoril en la zona oeste de Burki...
Bosstructuur en vegetatie van het bosreservaat Drieduin 2
Data from: Trends in plant cover derived from vegetation-plot data using ordinal zero-augmented beta regression
A reconstruction of middle Holocene alluvial hardwood forests (Lower Scheldt river, northern Belgium) and their exploitation during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition period (Swif...
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Final report on the VEGINECO project
Diversiteit en botanische waarde van het Nederlandse bos in vergelijking met de ons omringende landen