Catalogus van academische geschriften in Nederland en Nederlandsch Indië verschenen
Nederlandtsche practycque van verscheyden daghelijcksche soo civile als criminele questien /
Kronijken van Emo en Menko, Abten van het klooster te Wittewierum, met het vervolg van een ongenoemde
Dutch Facebook Survey: wave 1 v1.0
Geomorphological reconstructions of the natural levee landscape in the first millennium AD of the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands ; Geomorfologische reconstructies van het oever...
A longitudinal study into the acquisition of spatial devices in two SL2-learners of NGT (dataset) ; Learning to use space in the L2 acquisition of a signed language (dataset)
A longitudinal study into the acquisition of classifier predicates in fourteen SL2-learners of NGT (dataset)
A longitudinal study into the acquisition of agreement verbs in fourteen SL2-learners of NGT (dataset)
A study into the effects of two Focus on Form interventions on the acquisition of the agreement verb modification (dataset)
Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Rheno-trajectinae.