The evolution of the Dutch dairy industry and the rise of cooperatives. Supporting data for research note, Journal of Institutional Economics (2014)
Landschapskaarten en hoogtemodellen naar periode en diepte voor archeologisch gebruik in Holoceen-afgedekte delen van Nederland ; T0123, T4, RCE Verwachtingen in Lagen
Dutch Facebook Survey: wave 1 v1.1
Catalogus der schilderijen in het Museum Kunstliefde te Utrecht /
Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland
Emblem Project Utrecht - digital editions
Optimisation of telephone triage of callers with symptoms suggestive of acute cardiovascular disease in out-of-hours primary care: observational design of the Safety First study
Davidis de Gorter A. L. M. Philos. et Med. Doct. Acad. Flora Belgica exhibens plantas per Foederatum Belgium crescentes /
Controversy and consensus on a clinical pharmacist in primary care in the Netherlands
Village Formation in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages (AD 800 - 1600) ; Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 56 ; NAR 56