Megadistrito hibrido de la UPZ la sabana: circuito poroso de actividades múltiples
Institutionnal dynamics and barriers to sustainable construction in France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
A design approach to forge visions that amplify paths of peri-urban development
Ecological characterisation of urban ponds in the Netherlands : a study based on data collected by volunteers
The Power of Envisioning: Projective design as a tool for embracing radical change
Restructuring of social housing in the Netherlands: the case of Europarei, Uithoorn ; Reestructuración de la vivienda social en Holanda : caso Europarei, Uithoorn
Open bouwen buurtvernieuwing : een verkennend onderzoek naar de toepassing van Open Bouwen in het kader van IOP-bouw
Taking Implementation Seriously in the Evaluation of Urban Growth Management Strategies: “Safeguarding the Future” of the Antwerp City-Region
Are there limits to growth of tourism on the Caribbean islands? Case-study Aruba
Urban studies of Belgian geographers at the turn of the millennium