HETEROFOR 1.0: a spatially explicit model for exploring the response of structurally complex forests to uncertain future conditions. II. Phenology and water cycle
High proportion of norovirus infection and predominance of GII.3 [P12] genotype among the children younger than 5 in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo ... : نسبة عالية من عدوى فيروس النوروفي...
Forest mapping and species composition using supervised per pixel classification of Sentinel-2 imagery ; Cartographie forestière et composition spécifique par classification superv...
Elephants and trees in Zakouma national park ; Parque nacional de Zakouma : elefantes y arboles ; Parc national de Zakouma : des éléphants et des arbres
Anansi Masters - Aruba H01 - Emerencia, Emerita - Ananse and the wisdom of the world
19741120 Metropolitan Nov 20 1974
Les forêts de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
Simulation of forest growth, applied to douglas fir stands in the Netherlands
Development and Validation of Screening Methods Applied to Familial Hypercholesterolemia Diagnosis
Les expériences de reconstitution de la savane boisée en Côte d'Ivoire