Structured data entry for narrative data in a broad specialty: patient history and physical examination in pediatrics.
Effekter av naturvårdsgallring på förekomsten av lunglav på ädellövträd ; Effects of conservation thinning on the presence of epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria on broad le...
The shea tree and locust bean tree parklands in Southern Mali : economic analysis of trees associated with crops ; Les parcs à Karité et Néré au Sud-Mali : analyse du bilan économi...
Distance-independent tree basal area growth models for Norway spruce, Douglas-fir and Japanese larch in Southern Belgium
Chronique phytogéographique : les savanes du Sud de la République du Congo (brazzaville)
Grave, Almar Rano Hollander (1870-1948) and Lonetta Leslie Hollander (1875-1939)
Reappearance of old growth elements in lowland woodlands in northern Belgium : do the associated species follow?
DataSheet_1_Core endophytic mycobiome in Ulmus minor and its relation to Dutch elm disease resistance.docx
Current health issues in beech forests : Beech disease in the Ardennes area ; Les Problèmes sanitaires d'actualité en hêtraie : la maladie du Hêtre dans les Ardennes.
Les Aménagements forestiers en Belgique méridionale (Wallonie) : état des lieux et perspectives. ; Forest planning in Southern Belgium : Assessment and outlook