Politisches Bedencken Uber Das Schreiben des also genanten Grafen Von Sardan oder Fonsenade, Dessen Titul ist, Von wem und durch wen Der Keyser und das Reich verrathen . : Sub dato...
Contested Nuclear Sharing in Belgium: Domestic Political Dynamic for the Nuclear Weapons Ban
Sweet dreams everyone. Tomorrow may be a busy day.
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Case Study of Norway and the Netherlands ; Smlouva o zákazu jaderných zbraní: případová studie Norska a Nizozemí
Análisis de riesgos para el sector agrícola en la Sabana de Bogotá durante el periodo 2004-2014
A proclamation, for publishing the peace between His Majesty and the States General of the United Netherlands.
Bir vergi güvenlik önlemi olarak kontrol edilen kurum kazancı ve Türkiye-Hollanda çifte vergilendirmeyi önleme anlaşması açısından uygulamasının incelenmesi ; As a tax security mea...
Goldurnit every time the sliding gets good.
Friedens-Articul, So Zwischen dem König in Franckreich, und Seiner Chur-Fürstl. Durchl. zu Brandenburg, den 19/ 29. Junii 1679. zu St. Germain en Laye geschlossen und unterzeichnet...
Parliamentary involvement in EU affairs during treaty negotiations in a historical comparative perspective: the cases of the Austrian, Finnish and Luxembourgish parliaments