Sedimentological studies of the ebb-tidal deltas along the West Frisian Islands, the Netherlands
The choice between keeping out chronic pollution versus acute mortality due to emersion: the case of the Tricolor oil pollution prevention in the Zwin nature reserve (Belgium)
High-resolution 3D reflection seismic on a tidal flat: acquisition, processing and interpretation
Morphological Evolution of an Intertidal Area Following a Set-Back Scheme: A Case Study From the Perkpolder Basin (Netherlands)
Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on Fe cycling at the Krabbenkreek supratidal/intertidal zone, the Netherlands: Why does the Fe pump sputter?
Macrobenthic recovery from hypoxia in an estuarine tidal mudflat
Habitat arealen in de Westerschelde: veranderingen tussen 1960 en 1990 en een prognose voor de toestand na de komende verdieping
Over de cyclus der zogenaamde drempelgeulen in de oostelijke uitloop van Zimmermangeul (Westerschelde)
Silica cycling in a freshwater tidal marsh
Ecological assessment of physical changes in the Scheldt estuary