Resource-based reluctance, reversed asymmetry, and non-trade integration incentives : theory and evidence from European neighbourhood
The Republic of Congo Systematic Country Diagnostic ; Policy Priorities for Ending Extreme Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity in a Non-Diversified and Fragile Country
Foreign inflows and growth challenges for African countries ; An intertemporal general equilibrium assessment
The relationship between energy and socio-economic development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
Exportaciones petroleras y su incidencia en los sectores industriales
Natural resources: Curse or blessing?
The Dutch disease effect in a high versus low oil dependent countries
Can oil-led growth and structural change go hand in hand in Ghana? ; A multi-sector intertemporal general equilibrium assessment
Can oil-led growth and structural change go hand in hand in Ghana?
Enfermedad holandesa y exportaciones de banano en el Caribe colombiano : 1910-1950