A diversificação da economia em Angola
Copper in Chile - When the Resource “Outside” Becomes a Blessing
Boom or Gloom? Examining the Dutch Disease in Two-Speed Economies
Resource Windfalls, Macroeconmic Stability and Growth: The Role of Political Institutions
Relevance and limits of the Dutch disease in developing countries : the case of natural resources in Africa ; Pertinence et limites du syndrome hollandais dans les pays en développ...
Three essay on the sectoral aspects of economic policy
Les transferts de fonds au pakistan : leur nature, leurs déterminants et leurs impacts économiques ; Remittance inflows to Pakistan : nature, determinants and economic impacts
Ulusal Paranın Değerlenmesi Bir Endişe Kaynağı mıdır? Hollanda Hastalığı ve Büyüme Arasındaki Eksik Halka
Remittances and the Dutch Disease: an empirical analysis in the context of Ethiopia
Does aid promote or hinder industrial development? ; Lessons from China