Des effets d'un entraînement raisonné et progressif sur la capacité d'observation du jeune enfant: étude expérimentale
Availability and accessibility of HIV self-tests and self-sample kits at community pharmacies in the Netherlands
Digitāla risinājuma izstrāde Džona Holanda pašizpētes testa pildīšanai ; Development of a digital solution for John Holland self-study test execution
Le Rorschach de l'enfant à l'adulte : étude génétique et clinique (3e édition) / Cécile Beizmann ; préface de Henri Wallon
Reducing health disparities: key factors for successful implementation of social network testing with HIV self-tests among men who have sex with men with a non-western migration ba...
The geometric relationship between the personality model of Holland and the Vocational Preference Inventory
The Aerodynamic Laboratory of the Belgian "Service Technique De L'Aeronautique" ; NACA Technical Memorandums
Konsep Sabar dalam Perspektif Ulama Tafsir