Verslag eener studiereis naar de Sandwicheilanden in 1911 ondernomen, ingevolge opdracht van het Algemeen Syndicaat van Suikerfabrikanten in Nederlandsch-Indie̋ en het Proefstation...
Sugar from Belgium, France, and West Germany : determination of "a reasonable indication of injury" in inquiries nos. AA1921-Inq.-20, AA1921-Inq.-21, and AA1921-Inq.-22, under the...
Bevolkingsrietcultuur in Nederlandsch-Indië (een landbouw-economische studie) .
Bevolkingsrietcultuur in Nederlandsch-Indië : een landbouweconomische studie.
Sugar from Belgium, France, and West Germany : determinations of injury in investigations nos. AA1921-198, AA1921-199, and AA1921-200 under the Antidumping act, 1921, as amended.
Review of: Between Empires: Brazilian Sugar in the Early Modern Economy, 1580-1630
The consequences of prohibiting the import of French and Dutch molasses into New England with respect to Great Britain
The Brussels convention and free trade /
"Ebrei, Olandesi e Portoghesi e il commercio atlantico: Reti di commercio e di finanze transimperiali, 1580-1670 ; "Jews, Dutch and Portuguese, and the Atlantic Trade: Commercial a...