Compliance with COVID-19 mitigation measures in the Netherlands ...
Festivaldata on music- and filmfestivals in the Netherlands ...
Festivaldata on music- and filmfestivals in the Netherlands
Routine activities and drug trafficking : the case of the Netherlands
Between the local and the state: practices and discourses of identity among the Kadazan of Sabah (East Malaysia)
Data underlying the article: "How do citizens weigh societal impacts of a pandemic when it transitions into an endemic? The results of a discrete choice experiment in the Netherlan...
Burglary victimisation in England and Wales, the United States and the Netherlands: a cross-national comparative test of routine activities and lifestyle theories
Laughter and liability: the politics of British and Dutch television satire
Public scholarship and the evidence movement: Understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development
The impact of different regulatory models on the labour conditions, safety and welfare of indoor-based sex workers