A review of the geology and origin of CO2 in mineral water springs in east Belgium
New Linguliformean Brachiopods from the Lower Tremadocian (Ordovician) of The Brabant Massif, Belgium, with comments on contemporaneoux faunas from the Stavelot-Venn Massif
Präkambrium bis Ordovizium im belgischen Hohen Venn. Der Deutschen Subkommission für Proterozoikum-Silur ; Precambrian to Ordovician in the Belgian Stavelot-Venn Massif. The German...
Mineralogical and hydrogeological study of "pouhons" in the lower Palaeozoic formations of the Stavelot-Venn Massif, Belgium
Reinartzhof - Hoscheit. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 43/7-8 ; Reinartzhof - Hoscheit. Geological map of Wallonia (Belgium). 43/7-8
Reinartzhof - Hoscheit. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 43/7-8. Notice explicative ; Reinartzhof - Hoscheit. Geological of Wallonia (Belgium). 43/7-8. Leaflet
Vielsalm - Recht. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 55/1-2 ; Vielsalm - Recht. Geological map of Wallonia (Belgium). 55/1-2
Guidebook of the Fieldtrip in the Stavelot Massif at the occasion of the 2019 E. Van den Broeck medal award. 4 October 2019.
Stavelot - Malmedy. Carte géologique de Wallonie. 50/5-6 ; Stavelot - Malmedy. Geological map of Wallonia (Belgium). 50/5-6
Struktur und Schichtenfolge der Venn- Antiklinale im deutsch-belgischen Grenzgebiet – Ergebnisse der IGL-Kartierung ; Structure and sequence of the Venn anticline in the German-Bel...