Failures and Mistakes: Images of collaboration in postwar Dutch society
Digital passages. Moroccan-Dutch youths performing diaspora, gender and youth cultural identities across digital space
The fabric of creativity in the Dutch Republic. Painting and publishing as cultural industries, 1580-1800
Cultural Hybridity Reconsidered: Religious Visual Culture and the Dutch Republic
Bits of Homeland: Generational and Gender Transformations of Moroccan-Dutch Youth using digital technologies
Off to a new Cockaigne: Dutch migrant artists in London, 1660-1715
Transferring knowledge about sex and gender : Dutch case studies
Bookreview / Anneke van Luxemburg-Albers, Betreft Bint: Bint van Bordewijk modernistisch bekeken. Diss. UvA.
Droom van helderheid. Huisstijlen, ontwerpbureaus en modernisme in Nederland, 1960-1975
Conquering the American market : ABN AMRO, Rabobank and Nationale-Nederlanden working in a different business environment, 1965-2005