The effect of youth employment quotas on the job finding rates of young people in Belgian
The Firm Size Distribution: Evidence from Belgium
Accompagnement et Contrôle des Chômeurs de Longue Durée en Wallonie: Evaluation d'un Nouveau Dispositif
The effect of youth employment quotas on the job finding rates of young people in Wallonia
Evaluation du Plan d'Accompagnement des Chômeurs en Région Wallonne
Does formal child care availability for 0-3 year olds boost mothers' employment rate? Panel data based evidence from Belgium
Does formal 0-3 years old child care availability boost employment rate of mothers ? Panel data based evidence from Belgium
Does training boost the job finding rate of the unemployed ? Timing-of-events based evidence from Belgium
Travel time expenditure in Flanders: Towards a better understanding of travel behavior
Inter- and intraday variability of Flemish travel behavior