Les enjeux de la conjoncture 1917-1921 en Allemagne
A Polish-Belgian “War” for Congo (1960–1963) ; Polsko-belgijska „wojna” o Kongo (1960–1963)
Deportation to the Arctic
A Retrospective Analysis of the Azerbaijani Economy During 30 Years of Independence ; Ретроспективный анализ экономики Азербайджана за 30-летний период независимости...
L'Europa difende nuovamente la sua civiltà dall'aggressione delle orde dell'Est: 22.6.41 l'anniversario della lotta per la libertà europea
The Solidarity movement and perspectives on the last decade of the Cold War
Dutch Repatriation from the Former Third Reich and the Soviet Union: Political and Organizational Encounters and the Role of the Netherlands Red Cross
Proměna pozice Francouzské republiky v mezinárodním systému od konce druhé světové války do současnosti. Analýza zahraničně-politických koncepcí francouzských vlád a prezidentů. ;...
Honoured Partners: The British Relationship with Governments-in-exile During the Second World War ...
Sovereign debts in trouble times