Tijdbesteding in het leven van alledag: das ifb-Zeitverwendungstagebuch (niederländische Übersetzung)
Women's Safety and Public Spaces: Lessons from the Sabarmati Riverfront, India
Table_1_Prevalence and Correlates of Sext-Sharing Among a Representative Sample of Youth in the Netherlands.XLSX
Comparative studies on couples' and family dynamics using NKPS and pairfam
Like ships passing in the night? Nonstandard work schedules and spousal satisfaction in Finland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
Work-to-family conflict, family-to-work conflict and their relation to perceived parenting and the parent-child relationship before and during the first Covid-19 lockdown
Great Queer Provocation: The Seriously Playful Recognition Game (translated from German by Henry Holland)
Sexually transmitted infections, their treatment and urban change in colonial Leopoldville, 1910–1960
Unemployment and separation: Evidence from five European countries
Why We Must Oppose The Full Decriminalization of Prostitution