Spearman correlation test results for correlations between acidobacterial SDs to soil abiotic properties.
The acidobacterial subdivision community composition based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for Jonkershoek, Hottentots Holland, and Kogelberg.
A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination plot, based on the Bray-Curtis distance matrix, representing the acidobacterial community compositions in various samples examined...
Spearman correlations between acidobacterial subdivisions and soil abiotic properties.
Soil abiotic properties for each nature reserve.
Sequence results of all three nature reserves and their relative abundances, Shannon diversity indices, and observed OTUs.
OTU classification and relative abundances between Jonkershoek, Hottentots Holland, and Kogelberg.
Integrationspolitikens utmaningar på kommunal nivå : En studie om immigranter i Sjöbo och Åstorp
[Col. Jay W. Grissinger and Staff] [Office of Chief Surgeon, Army of Occupation, Coblenz, Germany].
Victims’ use of professional services in a Dutch sexual assault centre