Les Cellules Bien Etre en milieu scolaire et leur évaluation. Un dispositif pilote en Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles de 2011 à 2013
Screening and diagnosis for the fragile X syndrome among the mentally retarded: an epidemiological and psychological survey. Collaborative Fragile X Study Group
Food and health promotion literacy among employees with a low and medium level of education in the Netherlands
Mindfulness and fear of hypoglycaemia in parents of children with Type 1 diabetes: results from Diabetes MILES Youth – The Netherlands
Anna Schnitzer / Rebecca Mörgen (Hrsg.): Mehrsprachigkeit und (Un-)Gesagtes. Sprache als soziale Praxis in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Weinheim / Basel: Beltz Juventa 2015 (218 S.)...
Studien zur didaktischen Nutzung von Concept Maps ; Studies on didactic use of Concept Maps
Educational policy in a European context: Exploring processes of governmentalisation in Flanders
Cornelius Schut: newly identified paintings in Belgium and Spain ; Cornelis Schut: Nuevas pinturas identificadas en Bélgica y España
1970-1995: a slow watch and another missed train ; 1970-1995: un reloj atrasado y otro tren perdido
Ḥ̣akam Ẓebi as Chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazic ḳehillah of Amsterdam (1710-1714) / by Judith Bleich.