Covid Chronicles: Medicines and Self-medication
From Refugee to Resident in the Digital Age: Refugees’ Strategies for Navigating in and Negotiating Beyond Uncertainty During Reception and Settlement in The Netherlands
Družbena globalizacija EU: komparativna analiza Španije, Nizozemske, Irske, Grčije, Romunije in Češke ; Social globalisation in EU: comparative analysis of Spain, Netherlands, Irel...
The impact of school tracking on school misconduct: variations by migration background in England, The Netherlands, and Sweden
Helsinki disentangled (1973-75): West Germany, the Netherlands, the EPC and the principle of the protection of human rights
Bakens uit het veilige verleden: Maritieme cultuuruitingen in de 'eeuw van uitersten' ...
Exploring farm‐to‐restaurant relations and the potential of a local food hub : a case study in the city‐region of Groningen, the Netherlands
Hearing abducted children in Court : a comparative point of view from three countries (Belgium, France & the Netherlands)
Der usus modernus pandectarum : speziell in Österreich, der Schweiz und den Niederlanden ; The usus modernus pandectarum : aspecially in Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands
Student-driven Inquiry-based Science Education in Luxembourg Primary School Contexts