Flowchart of study participants.
Cost-effectiveness plane reflecting the probability that blended ACT is cost-effective compared to CBT in terms of treatment responders.
Cost-effectiveness plane reflecting the probability that blended ACT is cost-effective compared to CBT in terms of QALYs (cost-utility).
Acceptability curve reflecting the probability that blended ACT is cost-effective compared to CBT in terms of QALYs (cost-utility) at different willingness-to-pay ceilings.
Baseline characteristics of study sample.
Mean costs and outcomes by condition over assessments.
Result of the main analyses (cost-effectiveness and cost-utility) and sensitivity analyses.
Logistic regression representing the associations between the characteristics of participants and test for SARS-COV-2 among people without having contact with someone tested positi...
Overview of the procedure followed to reduce class imbalance (equalization strategy).
Logistic regression representing the associations between the characteristics of participants and test outcome for SARS-COV-2 infection.