The compleat husband-man: or, A discourse of the whole art of husbandry; both forraign and domestick. Wherein many rare and most hidden secrets, and experiments are laid open to th...
Notes and Queries - volume 5, 2nd Series - Page 81
Organisation and Mission of Hussar Regiments in the Allied Forces II.: (The Netherlands, Canada, United Kingdom) ; Huszárezredek szervezete és feladatai a szövetségi haderőkben II....
The Dutch damnified: or, The butter-boxes bob'd. Being a brief and true account how Sir Robert Holmes, Sir Phillip Howard, and Sir William Jennings . burnt and destroy'd near a hun...
A brief narrative and deduction of the several remarkable cases of Sir William Courten, and Sir Paul Pyndar, Knights, and William Courten late of London Esquire, deceased their hei...
Cases of divorce for several causes : viz. I. Memoirs of the life of Robert Feilding esq; containing an account of his amours . and a true copy of his last will and testament. II....
A new declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, in answer to His Majesties letter to the lord major and the court of aldermen of the city of London, and concern...
GERIV : Système informatisé à référence spatiale dédié aux cours d'eau non navigables en Région wallonne
Nevves out of the Lovv-Countries, sent in two letters: the one to the Earle of New-Castle, the other to Captaine Crispe, now resident with his Majesty. Declaring the likelihood of...
More news from the fleet being a brief and true account of the late noble and heroick exploit, performed against the Dutch, on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of this present month of Augus...