[Plan de la digue de Mareb et des ruines de la ville de Saba, dans le midi de l'Arabie / Fait par Mr. Th. Joseph Arnaud en 1843]
Seawater hydrography and biogeochemistry data from Luymes Bank Sinkhole Expedition 64PE20191205
The Transformation of the Baduy Tourism Village as a Public Space and Provincial Support Area
Plat of the town of Algerita, San Saba County, Texas.
Identifikasi Tokoh Abdullah bin Saba’ Dalam Literatur Sunni dan Syi’ah
CT Features of Saba Senegalensis (a Tropical Fruit) in Patients with Abdominal Pain
Kyriakos, an unidentified monk of St Sabas Monastery
Ioulianos/Julianus Saba, monk of Mesopotamia, ob. 367
राज्य सभा में राजद सांसद मनोज झा का पेरियार पर केंद्रित भाषण