Dissertatio Iuridica Inauguralis De Mandato
Johannes Voet's Commentary on the Pandects. Books XXX., XXXI., and XXXII, in one title, dealing with legacies and fideicommissa.
Disputatio Historico Iuridica, De Origine & Usu Iuris Romani in Hollandia
Important questions of Roman-Dutch law : decided by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa /
The Roman-Dutch law as administered in South Africa : Judgement of Kotẑa and Graham in the eastern districts division of the supremeCourt of the Union of South Africa in the casa...
Legal, practical and mercantile manual [koopman's handboek] for the use of judicial officers, practitioners, merchants and all who desire a general view of legal knowledge
Select theses on laws of Holland and Zeeland, being a commentary of Hugo Grotius' Introd. to Dutch jurisprudence, and intended to supply certain defects therein, and to determine s...
Select theses on the laws of Holland and Zeeland : being a commentary of Hugo Grotius' Introduction to Dutch jurisprudence, and intended to supply certain defects therein, and to d...
Huur van huizen en landen volgens het hedendaagsch Romeinsch-Hollandsch Recht.
Theses selectae juris Hollandici et Zelandici : ad supplendam Hugonis Grotii Introductionem ad jurisprudentiam Hollandicam, et definiendas celebriores juris Hollandici controversia...