Seasonal variation in mortality in The Netherlands.
Air pollution, lagged effects of temperature, and mortality: The Netherlands 1979-87.
Case-control study on the association between a cluster of childhood haematopoietic malignancies and local environmental factors in Aalsmeer, The Netherlands.
Effect on breast cancer screening response in The Netherlands of inviting women for an additional scientific investigation.
Lung cancer: histological aspects of diagnosis in England and the south east Netherlands.
Extreme obesity: sociodemographic, familial and behavioural correlates in The Netherlands.
Lung cancer: is there an association with socioeconomic status in The Netherlands?
Rotterdam general practitioners report (ROHAPRO): a computerised network of general practices in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Rotterdam's HuisArtsen Project.
Variation in reported prevalences of hypertension in The Netherlands: the impact of methodological variables.
Medically treated suicide attempts: a four year monitoring study of the epidemiology in The Netherlands.