Research Evaluation and Its Implications for Academic Research in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Do Social Science Students Value Empirical Research? Answers from a Canadian and Dutch Investigation
FRIS: Exploring and introducing the CERIF-object Research Infrastructures and its golden record-view
Cannabis use among a nationally representative cross-sectional sample of smokers and non-smokers in the Netherlands: results from the 2015 ITC Netherlands Gold Magic Survey
How do doctors in the Netherlands perceive the impact of disciplinary procedures and disclosure of disciplinary measures on their professional practice, health and career opportuni...
Complex challenges for patients with protracted incurable cancer: an ethnographic study in a comprehensive cancer centre in the Netherlands
General practitioner use of D-dimer in suspected venous thromboembolism: historical cohort study in one geographical region in the Netherlands
Trends of prescribing antimicrobial drugs for urinary tract infections in primary care in the Netherlands: a population-based cohort study
Environmental correlates of sedentary time and physical activity in preschool children living in a relatively rural setting in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional analysis of the GE...
Occurrence and nature of questionable research practices in the reporting of messages and conclusions in international scientific Health Services Research publications: a structure...